'Today’s video, Recorded our Yunnan area, The whole process of Muslim Hui wedding. Divided into three parts: 今天的这个视频, 记录了我们云南地区, 穆斯林回族婚礼的全过程。 分成三部分: The first part is to prepare the wedding banquet. There are so many relatives and friends here. Uncle started killing chickens and cows a day in advance, and everyone in the village came to help. 第一部分,准备婚宴。 来的亲戚朋友非常多。 叔叔提前一天就开始杀鸡宰牛, 全村人都来帮忙。 The second part is to marry the bride. This is the most interesting part. The groom took the dozens of brothers, Drove vigorously to the bride\'s house. What will happen? Of course it will not be so easy to Greet the bride. Sisters of the bride, Designed many gates for the groom and his brothers, To see how they break through the barriers, Pick up the bride. 第二部分,迎娶新娘。 这是最有意思的部分。 新郎带着几十号兄弟, 轰轰烈烈的开车到了新娘家。 会发生什么情况呢? 当然不会那么容易的就接走新娘。 新娘的姐妹们, 给新郎和他的兄弟们设计了很多关口, 看他们如何闯关, 接走新娘。 The third part is the wedding banquet. This is the favorite part of friends who love food. it\'s here, Friends can discover, Which ones appear in ARUI videos. 第三部分,婚宴。 这是热爱美食的朋友最爱的部分。 在这里, 朋友可以发现, 哪些是ARUI视频里出现的。 ***【MY DRESS AND MY condiment】 Hi friends My Malay shopee shop is online now There are some clothes I installed in the video And the condiments I have used Such as bean paste, hot pot base, pepper, etc. Sisters from Malaysia Can come and see Do you like it https://shopee.com.my/arui007.my +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 如果朋友们喜欢我的视频,别忘了订阅我的频道哦!! 【老太阿蕊 Laotai Arui】https://bit.ly/LaotaiArui Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/laotai.rui 打开小铃铛,精彩美食不容错过! #老太阿蕊#LaotaiArui#清真菜#'
Tags: Islam , chinese food , chinese food recipes , Muslim food , muslim wedding , halal cooking , 老太阿蕊 , Laotai Arui , Laotaiarui , 雲南美食 , 雲南 , 云南美食 , Chinese Muslim food , Chinese halal food , halaf food , chinese halal food recipes , Islam food , halal china , Muslim china , Islamic china , Muslim yummy cooking , Muslim yummy food , MUSLIM COOKING , Muslim Marriage , Chinese Muslim Wedding , 穆斯林婚礼 , 中国穆斯林婚礼
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